I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to become emotional when I see and hear gunshots in the movie.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define guns as manifested fear.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear from shooting down.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to enjoy when in the movie somebody is shot down.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define the heroes in the movie as me.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to use the movie to substitute my reality with the pictures and the sounds to escape for some hours from this reality and just watching and enjoying my inner reactions such as emotions thoughts feelings.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to want to be hero, because then I could kill others and becoming the hero in the eyes of others and I could find out a way to release my anger by killing others but still remaining good and right.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to react to the classical music when is theatrical on the way as it is more intense or emotional.
I forgive myself to define movie music and classical music as emotional.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to hold my breath when I experience emotions.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to justify my anger by wanting to be fighter or martial artist.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to desire power to become fearful.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to want to manipulate my emotions trough thoughts.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to enjoy watch people fighting according to the pictures and by previous judges such as how cool it looks like - not considering the fact that is about fear and agressions.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define women in movies as beautiful and nice faced - but in fact theese are pictures.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed to become programmable trough my own fear.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that I let myself to be programmed trough media and trough emotions trough movies and ads.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to desire to watch actionmovie because I could watch my inner fights manifested on screen.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to learn how to shoot or how ho puch or kick to be able to protect me or others, not realising this is a desire to be more controller and manipulator within and as separation according to fear as dishonesty.
I forgive myself that I have not realised that I am the responsible for not breathing naturally as me as one as equal here when I am watching movie.
I forgive myself that I have not realised that I have to stop my mind trough being aware EACH breath here.
No excuse, no other way out - I am here to discipline and trust myself to remain inner silent.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to scratch my back when it is itchy and becoming automatic scratcher.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to scratch my head, hair, not realising that I scrach my mind to stimulate specific areas to operate, and remain as it.
I forgive myslef that I accepted and allowed myself to laugh when I see somebody shot down in a movie.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to laugh conditionally.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define laugh as joy.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to use laugh to express emotionally.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear from kill.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to not realise what is real as here as phisical and what is illusion of mind of perceptional belief.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear from not breathing properly.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define people according to their clothes.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear from manifesting dishonesty.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to participate within memory.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define myself by and as my memory.
I forgive myself that I not realised that I exist as memory as pictures.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from others.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to become self-interested.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to dependent on emo0tions.
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