Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Some AdDickt I on

This Add dick t I on is funny. I am addicted to my added dick I on.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to become addicted to my own dick.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define sex as addiction.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define sex as getting tiredness.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to define drinking coffee is getting tiredness eventually.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to become eventual. With and within the event I equal= eventual. I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to being directed trough events. I direct me here as breath. I am breath. I breath, I experience beings words with my fingertips. Sound expression.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to slightly judge me because of being innocence fun with stranger little kids - because of people, especially parents.
I am one and equal with kids. I am innocent. I am realisation. I am joy. I am not desire, I am expression. I am sound expression in oneness and equality as life here.

I direct me as who I am as self-honesty in self-intimacy.
I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed to manifest past desires and in the moment realising that this is past manifested and I said - well, it is here, now I have to walk trough it - and it was definition - it was self-dishonesty - because I can simply stop. I stop - all stop.
As I stop - the past stops. But in big sexual desire what experienced because of hesitation of self-movement as self-forgiveness, self-intimated self- release - it comphounded, and stepped forth and became directive principle to show that I manifested, that is what I have to face, because it is separation, so I was standing front of the event - and I am here: and this here - ness was still here, but I stood under the manifestation of self-dishonesty and I was(still I am) within the relationship of the past-definitions about desire and women - and I was self-dishonest to just STAND UP and say I STOP HERE - and I knew that eventually will happen, but I played around the bush - was hope and was using the matrix polarity - this is not me - -
but I am not hard to me anymore - I am embracing - this is my accepted and allowed nature, and I stop, slowly but surely - I stop as much I can, HERE - without definition, without destination, without purpose - I do not need poor pose - I am here as all life as one as equality as manifestation of birthing life from the phisical.

1 comment:

dulcinea said...

it's interesting to read this post because i've been feeling exactly the same for a few days now. i recovered my period after gaining some kilograms and i guess i am a woman again (WTF??). back to the sexual system now that i am healthy again