Wednesday, June 5, 2013

[JTL 55] Stop the Hypnosis of Fear as Self-interest

This is the continuation of a Destonian practical movement as Journey to Life post:

The problem:

"What association come up about the word: 
fear from not being real
fear from losing myself
fear from not having time to express myself
fear from pain
fear from more fear
fear from accepting fear
fear from letting go fear
fear from myself
fear from women
fear from war
fear from evil
fear from being evil
fear from not having fear"

The solution:


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from not being real meaning thinking about not being real or suppressing the fear of not being real or acting out based on the fear of not being real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from losing myself meaning losing presence as here-ness within physical breathing as human physical body presence by focusing to thoughts, feelings and emotions and meanwhile becoming so occupied and mesmerized and hypnotized by the inner reactions towards thoughts, feelings and emotions such as energetic movements, pricking, waving, flowing what are in fact not physical body but as liquified thought information systems are moving within and as the physical mind meanwhile activating specific body parts containing memories, reactions and defining it as who I am and living it as myself directly without ever questioning it how it is created, what is my involvement within it's creation, current maintenance, what is the relationship within me towards these specific memories, definitions and by that what self-dishonesty I keep holding onto in order to perceive myself being abdicated from responsibilities.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to condition myself to focus to my presence only when seeing that I am in fact not being aware of here as physical location therefore wanting to define a requirement within myself as focus and by that need wanting to focus to be here meanwhile not realizing that by self-definition I declare myself here or not here based on my perception meanwhile my body is constantly here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to program myself to automatically fear from not having time to express myself even without using common sense and simply remaining here as one breath at a time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form and manifest personalities, conditioned behavior within and as myself according to a perception within about how to avoid pain.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from physical pain until I do not experience it - because within experiencing pain there is no fear from pain - it is pain itself therefore to fear from pain is not me but a programmed behavior what I can stop breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from fear and not realizing that the fear is fear of loss and fear from becoming fear and not realizing that within the fear from becoming fear I am already of and as fear and the solution is to stop fear and face already manifested consequence as self and breathe and use common sense.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to program myself into the perception that I am of and as fear and within that having the fear from letting go fear what is in fact self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from not being interested within me, only me, because of a belief that then nobody will be interested in me therefore it is me who I have to be obsessed to be interested within me literally and not realizing that this 'me' is nothing else but fear which is not real but as an energetic accumulation of thoughts, feelings and emotions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from myself within the realization of being and manifested of and consisting of as starting point as fear - and to realize it and actually, practically letting go fear by still of and as fear -indicating that fear is not real but as a justification and excuse from facing consequence as manifested self and abdicating responsibility for what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a justification of fearing from woman from getting what I want and from escaping from what I do not want within the self-interest of fear from losing myself as self-definition of my created interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not direct myself as self here with women therefore facing woman having the fear of not directing myself but being directed and projecting this fear from being directed towards the subject of my fear, which is here the definition of: woman and not realizing that there is nothing to do with woman regarding to facing, realizing, understanding the fear what I project towards them but my starting point as self-definition of losing myself within fear.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to direct myself within absolute self-honesty because of the fear that then I'd not have access to what is my interest in self-defined relationship towards women.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I've defined myself as relationship towards energetic addiction coming from fear and defining myself according to fear and within that realizing that this is the opposite of 'live' as 'evil' to use fear as energy and by that starting point define existence and interest based on the manipulation of energy as fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life is about manipulating energy and using energy and not realizing that life is the equal and one relationship within and between all participants wherein there is no hierarchy, limitation or separation based on any interest but what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from evil within this world or beyond this world and not realizing that this fear from evil is in fact from myself as not being life and projecting this fear within towards what I've defined as separated within the energetic experience of fear and not realizing that fear is energy and using energy instead of be substance of life as energy is not real therefore I am of fear as energy as not real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from being evil meaning overwhelmed by fear meanwhile realizing that the solution to stop fear is simply to stop fear within accumulation of the simple 1+1=2 equation of practically stopping myself from within fear by letting go all self-definition and letting everything go what is not myself as presence here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear from stopping fear as starting point and not realizing that until fear is starting point I can only stop fear for as long the energy of fear is overwriting the energy of an other defined, separated, self-interested, self-created fear.


When and as I experience myself defining a situation, a circumstance as fear - projected into the future or defining it within the past - I stop allowing myself to exist within fear - I stop the thoughts, I stop defining myself as fearful by understanding what is my interest within it and what I do not want to take self-responsibility for and I use common sense and I regard presence and breathing and acting within practical understanding of what is real.

When and as I fear from being lost within fear - I realize my starting point is physical presence as body as breathing as here - and I forgive myself for what I am allowing to fear from and realizing the reason and starting point and the self-interest within and take responsibility to stop, stop entirely, stop in each moment and stop the addiction to define and separate and judge and imagine within the consideration of any thought is fear and I become aware of the pattern and I change myself within constant presence without anything conditional, without wanting to win and without fearing from from stopping fear.

When and as I feel not right to not fear from anything what I fear automatically from - I realize the fear from not being right to disregard fear is pre-programmed - and accumulated by 1+1=2, therefore to stopping it is also requires accumulation and consistence so I dedicate myself to stop the self-automation of fear.

When and as I fear from facing myself and projecting it towards woman - I realize I've not been self-honest with myself in terms of what I want and what I do not want and what is best for all participants and therefore fear arisen because I did not direct myself and I've judge myself as so and then in the next moment I fear I might remain so - instead of realizing that I can change the pattern of fear from woman by understanding what I fear from losing and what I fear from gaining and what I fear from as responsibility and I use self-writing, self-forgiveness, self-correction, self-commitment and I use the words as myself as equal as one as sound to prepare myself to physically and entirely stop participating within fear from woman as projection as fear from myself and fear from losing myself.

When and as I fear from losing myself - I realize that the starting point of fear from myself and losing myself - I already proven to be not real and holding onto something what is not real as the idea of myself what I can lose and not realizing that what I can lose can not be me because I am everything what is 'here' and what is best for all is who I am and what is manifested as this principle is practically who I am here.

When and as I fear from being evil by using energy and manipulate reality with energy within fear - I realize that to stop fear requires absolute self-honesty in each moment so dedication, commitment I walk and accumulate and when I perceive fall or forgetting - I stop and I do not judge but I do not accept it either - I simply walk the realization what I see within and change myself and continue stopping what I see as required to stop participate within such as fear of loss.

When and as I fear from pain - I realize I fear from re-living memory and within re-and re-living memory I fear remain within the loop of fear from pain - and not actually the  pain itself - therefore I stop the fear simply stopping myself .


I commit myself to stop using energy as fear and express myself unconditionally without any definition or energetic experience within.

I commit myself to precisely and absolutely understand myself within the starting point of wanting to stop fear instead of practically stopping fear in each moment.

I commit myself to share my stopping of fear step by step, word by word without any judgment of fear by realizing that fear is not real and if I do not stop myself as fear - I am in fact not real.

I commit myself to stop defining myself and judging myself based on self-interest, based on energetic experiences, based on fear.

The reward:

I realize fear is a self-created image and likeness of my acceptance and allowance what can be decomposed and corrected by each moment until there is none within - and only the 'I' remain here as Life within consideration of what is best for all.

I am here undefined and I realize I am able to stop fear within self-direction and within understanding the creation of, the involvement within: fear - and taking responsibility by stopping it actually I am transcending my limitation as fear from not being real.

I embrace more than my fear and even consider others around me as equals and actually focus and work on physical real issues what is the result of our starting point such as money system and the lack of human - life- rights.

I am practically stopping doubt and fear within doing what I can for life - because I am life without separation and within each moment I do all my best then all fear stops practically.

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