Thursday, August 28, 2014

[JTL Day 200] Military application is not LIFE

This is a sort of response/review to an article I just went through:

Aircraft to be made from ‘human-like skin’ to enable them to feel damage and monitor their health while flying with many smaller smart sensors on the surface of the plane by processing big data.

It is indeed sounding quite cool and as a quite predictable and almost obvious 'evolutionary' step towards AI applied within aerodynamics.

What is also obvious that what is the starting point and the reason for the research, which is:

military 'application' - meaning bombing and rocketing the shit out of anything it's commanded to.

I see as the human system is not really evolving beyond it's so to speak 'original' bestiary within the exponential development of the art of self-destruction by perfecting the efficiency the destruction of it's own species and anything being in the way as well, but it is undeniable that the military 'application' is becoming extremely efficient.

Obviously the 'investors' who pump billions into these projects are selling these inventions with the motivation of profit - it is the blood of our interest, the current system has accumulated into such a manifested consequence that only those gained so much financial abundance that are the best within profit making and thus doing what is we are good within - profit, greed and destruction.

Quoting from the article:

"According to one analyst, this technology could go far beyond military."
"In the future we could see more robust defense platforms that are capable of more complex missions whilst reducing the need for routine maintenance checks. There are also wider civilian applications for the concept which we are exploring.”
And it's just an article, why I am bashing, right - but we all know how serious the military thing is among humans. Just search to the words 'military expo' or as I did visit some war-raged country like Cambodia where millions were killed by armies - or look up some warmonger country's military statistics - it is insane - and still profiting.

So after all - when the military giga-industry-complex is reaching the next level of it's evolution ("defense" platform and "complex missions") - it can also be sold to the 'public' - or how they refer it to as 'civilian' applications.

I mean it's all in the words - there is military 'application' and there is civilized 'application', and second one might can be considered as the opposite of military as within what we are all beast, military means killing: de-mans stripped away any honoring for life and lost within the consciousness wars of over-saturated fear-polarities of superimposed self-interest.

When I was kid, I was also enjoying playing with toy-soldiers, planes, I was fascinated with aeroplanes, I have built and glued F15 and F-18 models and I have learned so much about these things - I was at army air shows and I was there in the military airbase touching these magnificent creations - as they surely are - but when I really figured out what in fact these are being used for within what exact political and financial circumstances, it was all over and I never could look or think at these planes with the same admiration again.

It is so ingrained within the human mind system that self-defense is so fucking important in the name of that we have the right to kill, the right to preemtively seek and destroy and it is that what we accept and allow within our mind with the self-imposed righteousness and manifesting that as equal as one within our external human system as well in governments, states, countries, armies weaving our each and every single individual tiny consents into the invisible yet obvious consensus for accepting war, oppression, genocide and even the very concept of military 'application' to exist within our neighborhood.

I deliberately say 'neighborhood', because with these high technologies there is not a single square meter on this planet what can not be over watched by live satellite feed to directly be able to guide the most harmful and deadly military 'application' in a short period of time - not to mention the most surreal arming up of local police forces, so after all - we are all the stakes here, not just the third world as we allowed to be reflected back with our original brainwash up to the point of now becoming more and more obvious that this is a neo-feudalist totalitarian corporate enslavement system wherein any resistance triggers a brutal, desensitizing, deeply disturbing 'military application'.

On the same site where the article comes from, in an other article the author wrote this after a rant about a new, secret superweapon:
The US is all about warfare, not welfare of humanity. We have millions of people who cannot get a job with good pay, to pay off ridiculous student loans. However, there is always money to kill and destroy what humanity has built. No healthcare, no free education like other industrialized countries; only war, war, and endless wars.
Even the most peaceful public demonstration can become a bloodbath and let us all remind to the most horrendous fact that this is still our, individual responsibility to care and act about given away to the government systems and their representatives and any more blame/showing the finger/fist will accumulate into more direct and 'physical' retaliation thus it is imperative to see/realize/understand that at this point any resistance/revolution/fight is futile. That was never the real solution as after all if we look at the timeline what we call as history - which has never really existed really - as it is in the name - it is not my story, it is the winner's - his story, which is certainly not SELF.

If we look at the point of what is SELF - what in fact that can be? Is there anything really like or close to the word or it's meaning of SELF?

Is the military SELF?

Am I self?

Am I my self or who has self, oneself, all our selves? Am I self or flesh? Who is then really selfless? What is the meaning of this?

So after this philosophical head scratching - leapfrogging back to the topic of aeroplane evolution and technology, it is certain that no individual human being has directive power in this world, any, none - whoever states differently must be able to prove it's opposite and then it is certain that as never really proved it then it is yet to come and we should not wait for that either but be the living example of what we want to get and give equally.

I find ANY military 'application' as unacceptable and the demilitarization is the only way to really find ourselves onto the path of being able to grasp what it would consist of to be 'civilized', meaning there is no any financial gain accepted and allowed on earth by anyone being left behind starved or lacking any basic requirement for a nurturing healthy living, not talking about their oppression or even killing.

Sure many refer to extremist belief-systems so vengeful that they lean to the consideration of allowing to induce 'extinction' of whole nations in order to 'solve' conflicts which is then coming back into full circle of the fundamental fact that humans has never ever changed really, just the technology became more efficient, but actual real unconditional care, support, love never existed - only in fractions, temporary fluctuations - anyone disagrees just try to go to a third world country without a coin and just get sick and see what comes next, try to get food, shelter, health care and realize the facts that money determines who lives how and until there is profit from hunger, it is all the same just different pictures. Basic requirements for all human - transcending the fear of overpopulation and actually do something about education, transparent equal opportunities for all.

That is where civilization could start but until that is not given, not manifested, stabilized - we are the very beast of this existence and that is why there is no mercy for any living on this earth existing currently - anyone and everyone can and inevitably will die just like that in a snap without any continuation.

Remember that when hearing or watching the news about military 'application'.

Still, so to speak feeling myself close to this - soul-dier/sold-deer - which is like an ability to have compassion with the loss of war - which is not a feeling or a mood anymore as it was before - but emerges as a will, a discipline to stand up to and as in this human system as a directive principle for accumulate actions what would manifest demilitarization.

This already sounds insane for the single-minded human, I know - especially with the inherent paranoia within humanity that 'if I do not have an army then other countries who have might conquer us suddenly' - thus it is a wider perspective we must embrace for the practical application but it is still possible - I mean everything is possible if we all stand up to it's making - just look at how much development and 'application' can be designed to automatize to mass-produce aeroplane with a handful of scientists: human-like feeler smart-sensory-skinned aeroplane consciousness systems - it could and will be really cool for instance preventing crashes or malfunctions just let us skip the gigantic sized military budget and directly give that to the people - so if we all stand up to life values and it's walkable way which is practical, physical equality.

And it is a brainwashing to automatically judge 'practical equality' by prioritizing and auto-cast-systematizing humans based on perceptions/intelligence/skills/skin tone/geographical location but those judgements are based only fear, nothing else - thus can and should be transcended with the simple realization that the only way out from this closed system to be fucked up again and again within the constant time loop of deliberate forgetfulness is the equalization of energy, resources, money, basic requirements for a nurturing living within the simple act of giving as we would like to receive.

And just to imagine how much effort is now being diverted away from the benefit from the children/education/welfare/environment/real civilization into this ruthless/lifeless/anti-love militarization accepted by the voters, financed by the capitalists allowed by the law, being the consent given by each individuals altogether without being aware of their power given away as responsibility.

And it is not about who stands up against the surreal militarization and war propaganda and utter destruction of whole populations, but it is rather about who does not stand up to this - and to start resonating that this can not continue like that anymore and within that realizing that the only power we have currently is to learn to be organized with the same efficiency as the pro-wars do, us, individuals, one by one accumulated into a flow what can not be ignored and disregarded anymore and with the current system's rules, 'thermodynamics' - not by attacking, because as George Carlin states:

"think about the concept of Flamethrowers. Because we have them. We don't have them, the army has. That's right, we don't have any flamethrowers. I'd say we are fucked if we have to go against the army, wouldn't you?"

But with investigation it is clear that as how the 'pro-war' interests use the currently sold ways to accumulate power referred as 'democracy' - it can be also used the same way with the interest of LIFE, but for that we must study/let go/transcend our perceived differences/opposite views by realizing the priority for physical, touchable, 'real' love and to manifest, accumulate directive power into people's/group's who are indeed principled to manifest a system what is best for all equally.

And on about education - observing coming the army into the city - showing weapon systems, tanks to the children, hiring cute women, playing cool music, putting balloons to the tank and let the kids rush it - kind of weird to observe it when we consider what these things really are...

Also it is to educate and actively being educated about understanding that there is a way actually what would really be the best for all, it is not a philosophical term which is like a fairy tale - many human beings state that war and destruction is within human nature and best for all can not be manifested because there is always disagreement, and even many state that it is simply impossible to all agree on wanting the same because then it would not be real freedom anymore.

So from technological development through military 'application' we arrive to the concept of 'freedom' which would indicate a state of being able to do anything without the limit or the worry or need for considering consequence
- OR freedom could even mean to being able to express with the PREVENTION of manifesting such consequences which are deliberately harming others.

Thus real freedom would mean not harming at all otherwise it is only perceived freedom from individual level but objectively it is not so.

Therefore the true concept of freedom can only entail the concept of 'what is best for all participants'.

To debate with that it is certainly possible but I am not bound to argue for limitation and after all - who wants to protect a deliberate abusive system and in the name of what interest? Is it real SELF-interest or just being the lack of the realization of Self-is-in-the-rest?

Alright - check out these awesome links and be 'free' to dare to 'do something' - or 'feel' 'free' to dare 'not to do something' - either way: enjoy breath!

Monday, August 25, 2014

[JTL Day 199] 10. Making Love Visible part 5

Continuing with 10. Making Love Visible part 1 and part 2 and part 3 and part 4 as a point within my Declaration of Living Principles.


I forgive myself that I have not realized that actual real love starts with exploring what is  not love, what is self and within that what self is not and thus the actual self-forgiveness of stopping what is not self-honest within my action.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that real love means it is visible and here in and as the physical and thus it is the act of walking out of the mind and walking into and as the physical body breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have not realized the point of real, visible, practical love as "give as you would like to receive" and "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" as simple, effective, measurable way to establish what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to create bubbles within my perception of separation, interest of myself, fear of change, limiting myself thus not be able to recognize the only way out of the past through practical equality and thus re-defining words to live according to the principle of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that the universal truth and source and destination is love and when not being able to find/experience/express it unconditionally, defining existence as delusion and not realizing that only my starting point was delusion, and all I've accumulated as manifested consequence within this delusional starting point is also here in and as the physical what I am responsible for.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that I am responsible for what I accept and allow to manifest in this world in relation to the word love and all it is here is who I allowed myself to be accumulated to become as equal as one.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to delude myself with the idea of I must define love according to one person and define that one person as the subject/goal/interest of my love only and disregard anything else and defining my purpose as to be close, be with and be of mine of the person of the definition of my love.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself and my idea of love according to the polarity game of the mind as hate/love and realizing that none of those can be real love as it is always of friction/energy/reaction/consciousness/judgement/separation and thus always conditioned; - conned and thus can not stand the test of time and within that not realizing that all feeling of love as a bubble will inevitably burst thus if I would take refugee within such delusion, especially when being aware of what I actually do - I would be directly responsible for the choose of self-interest-based love experience instead of a physical-visible-love reality.

I forgive myself that I have never considered that I've allowed myself to delude myself to be in love with someone in order to fulfill my hollowness what I've defined and experienced through and as my mind, the consciousness, the polarities of self-definitions of good and bad, positive and negative and thus creating friction, energy, reaction within my mind and body and defining it as who I am meanwhile in fact disregarding all beings equally and only considering my own interest for my own definition of love without ever questioning what I am doing and why.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define love as affection, desire, obsession, possession, reaction, arousal, anxiety, frustration, butterflies in the stomach, body parts shaking, dizziness, foggy mind, confusion, devotion, bitterness, unfulfilled, fulfillment, satisfaction, completion, adventure, excitement, happiness or any other mental/emotional/feeling/body energetic experience without realizing that these are just experiences, reactions, and real love is physical action and thus whenever I give into the energetic experience of defining/reacting to something as love is self-delusion and thus accumulating into creating bubbles in my mind which will eventually/obviously/inevitably burst and I will be at the same state/point when I've deluded myself into the experience by giving into the temptation of energy/reaction/definition/thought/feeling/emotion experience to influence/direct me instead of myself be here/direct me here/live visible, physical love here in and as the physical.


When and as I experience something within me according to the word love - I stop and I let it go and I realize that love can only exist as visible, physical reality and thus whatever I participated in the mind according to the word love - it is self-dishonesty and thus I apply self-forgiveness unconditionally in and as the moment immediately and act, live, be this forgiveness as really/practically/literally stop defining love/stop defining love as experience, stop reacting to definition of love in my mind by polarity/friction/thought/feeling/emotion within seeing/realizing/understanding that if I fall into the definition of a part of the whole I am limiting myself, deluding myself, prolonging to live free/full/unconditional love by separating myself from the whole of self as equal as all and thus I stop the reaction I breathe with empty/silent mind and I act with the practical consideration of what is best for all.

When and as I feel overwhelmed, facing upcoming reaction as excuses/justifications/reasons for why I would need to separate myself/self-define love/limiting the subject of love to parts of what is here, I see/realize/understand that this is self-dishonesty and thus I stop, I stop defining, stop defending my personality within recognising the fear of change, fear of loss, fear of responsibility and I become aware what is here and what I can actually do as responsible for living a visible love in this very moment and I actually do it.

When and as I give into the energetic temptation of my mind of become occupied with knowledge and information/personalities according to what is love instead of live love from within as undefined, yet being clear on what it really means to love.

When and as I find myself buzzed around with thoughts in my head within my conscious mind - I see/realize/understand that these are absolutely irrelevant of who I am and what I am committed to live in the moment - yet those are patterns/reflections/reactions of my self-acceptances within and as the patterns/self-image/relationships in and as the subconscious/unconsious mind thus I let the thoughts go and embrace physical presence, self-direction and self-honesty and focus to what I am actually doing here.

When and as I would doubt that I am able to do or get done something without thinking/energies in my mind/doubt/questioning/fear/uncertainty/wavering - I stop and I realize these patterns do not assist and support me to be able to express myself nor within be stable/consistent/clarified/efficient or direct action here thus I let go the doubt, the reason for the doubt, the energetic strive for being animated with the reactions within and I trust myself to learn move me here unconditionally.

When and as I would stop expressing myself within worry and fear of consequence, fear of failure, fear of hurting other, fear of losing something - I realize that I am within the process of re-definition of visible, physical love within what I focus to how to stabilize myself in and as this human physical body with one breath at a time.

When and as I feel overwhelmed by desires and energetic addictions to fulfill such as arousal or want something so desperately that I feel my presence blurred - I realize that I prevent myself resisting, fighting, I always focus to what is in my mind one breath at a time and I stop it consistently and I start physically moving at the same time and by that re-aligning myself to be able to be consistent, stable, responsible and that is the way towards unconditional love what I commit myself to explore and express.

When and as I worry about being loved by another because defining it as not real I stop judging, I stop fearing and I stop running and I remain here and all influences I see within me in regarding to that experience - I stop and I stop myself reacting and I stop my mind moving and I stop all within me energizing automatically until I am here and I am clear of fear and realize that if I want I can walk away from others and I am not obliged to fear of consequence and I do not need to be dependent for being loved by another and especially it is not necessary to fear from being self-honest with myself and expressing that to others.

When and as I feel wanting to be loved I see/realize/understand that I've separated myself from myself with words/reactions/energies and the solution is not to fight/strive/seek that love outside of me but to realize that the very need for it was not real, only as a perception - yet to realize that it is alright to enjoy to share myself, to share with others and live equality one breath at a time.

When and as I fear from trusting someone who tells me being fallen in love with me because foreseeing that the person will stop feeling that way and then will change, will change that apparently called love toward me and whatever I've considered as real/consistent/trustable will change and go away and go away and it is to realize that I can anticipate all and all things human can feel/react as I am being aware those within myself as well and it is completely up to me what I decide to live and who I share myself with and the only point I can trust within this is absolute self-honesty and if not being within that certainty then it is obvious that I have something within my mind moving me thus in that moment I do not hope, I do not worry, I perfect myself according to this connection and decide for myself what I am going to live and how I ensure that I will remain within or without that no matter what because this is who I am and if any way whatsoever I allow myself to be unstable within blaming towards anyone I stop myself and I realize it is always me who is responsible for me thus I take my considerations/decisions/commitments and words/actions seriously.

When and as I have reaction to the word love, such as thoughts/positive or negative/ feelings/emotions as positive or negative - I realize it is the self-interest what judges and decides it is good/neutral/bad and it is not who I really am but how I've allowed myself to perceive this world and the events through and as my mind which I commit myself to stop participate within by investigating/seeing into me/writing out the patterns/wording the experiences/events and realizing the points I've fallen into self-dishonesty and forgiving myself for accepting myself as and applying a practical, physical, doable, measurable correction with which I stop the self-dishonesty within and with my expression as equal as one.

When and as I am being asked how to explain or express what is love or what it means to me or being asked that is it real or is it the greatest force or just how I see it - I simply answer that love is equality, love is the give as I would like to receive and the only love can be real is what entails all what is here equally and in practical terms what it means is to give to all what I am getting such as food, shelter, education, health care, water and this is the basic for the real baseline for any love at first and until it is not established on earth then love still require to be manifested in this existence what I see as responsibility, I am responsible for and in fact equally as all.

When and as I face someone who is telling me that has fallen into love with me I say that it is not something I can trust/live with - because it is already a 'fall' which is obviously not self-directed self-honest self-stability and thus I humbly say within principled living I cannot afford such a person to be my partner without a blink and without a self-blame that I am causing the other feeling bad by refusing her within realizing that it is the mind what the other experiences, not me, I am just a trigger point, no matter how harsh and heartless this might sound I trust myself and within these principles and I welcome the other to consider to live within principled living.

When and as I would become unsure/confused/desperate/feeling hopeless within how to actually manifest real unconditional physical love in this world I stop and see/realize/understand that the law/monetary/educational/political forces are what are the most fundamental influences to humanity thus I am re-aligning my commitments within investigating/approaching/participating/directing those manifestations as life as myself as all as equal as one as practical, measurable, physical love and accumulate actions what is best for all.


I commit myself to stop running from the words and my reactions to the words in relation to LOVE and realize that I am able to re-define who I am in relation to the words and how to stand as who and what to express and I can change myself according to words with self-investigation, self-forgiveness, writing, self-commitments, self-correction statements to find out what would mean practical, physical, visible love which is best for me and all equally.

I commit myself to share the physical love which is equality, to share my realizations to the word love and how to change myself to love myself and all others equally and how to establish a trust within myself and with others with physical, unconditional, practical love with the principles of 'give as you would like to receive'.

I commit myself to stop deluding myself with the feelings/butterflies/energetic highs of the self-defined energetic movements as love and stop lying to myself that when I am being affected/attracted to/get aroused to and feel desired to someone that it is love and see it as it is: a mind-possession what can be/ should be and in fact must be transcended by understanding/stopping participating within it and correcting myself in relation to that.

I commit myself to be proud that I am clarifying that the love I commit principle myself to express as visible, physical, practical, unconditional love and trusting myself that it is who I am and this is what I stand for and dare others to stand up to as responsible for all life equally.

I commit myself to share my realization of that if I stand for all within existence as equal as one then I can not fall anymore and whatever I do it is the process of re-alignment, the unification, the self-perfection within becoming responsible for all equally as unconditional love which is only real when it is here for all in fact, regardless of race/gender/country/age/any parameter and recognizing that it is doable, can be manifested.

I commit myself to not fear making mistakes by walking the process and expression of making love visible and whenever I see self-dishonesty or imperfection within the practical physical application of self-honesty then I rather act immediately and change myself/re-align myself and use the tools of desteni as self-forgiveness/self-commitment/self-correction to accumulate the process of self-realization for standing up for all as equal as one, in this world, on this earth, within this human system.

I commit myself to stop worry from partnership within considering all what I experienced in the past and interpreting that in any way in relation to self-limitation by letting go in each moment all I've defined and reacted to and give a new moment of clear/empty mind moment to embrace what is here and live in the here-ness of the physical and whenever I face unknown/change I see it as a challenge, as learning self, exploring self, living self.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

[JTL 198] Transcendence - the movie and beyond part 2

Continuing on decomposing the word Transcendence:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define/think/believe/imagine that the word and action of transcendence is about leaving behind what is here, a sort of escape, a disregard, a liberation from what was before and never ever actually seen/realized/investigated/embraced in fact what exactly it is I want to let go and then figure it out how practically do it, simply, directly here, breath by breath within consistency until it's done and within that not questioning what means to be done and thus revealing that I do not know what I really want, how exactly I want it and in fact why I want it specifically and thus not be aware of the details to the utmost specificity, unable to manifest it as real transcendence here as myself in my reality as equal as one.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe/think/define that transcendence requires meditation, an attainment, an ascension, a path to walk instead of realizing that all I can transcend is what I can understand/let go/change in one breath, breath by breath, always one at a time, here in and as the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to imagine/think/believe that I can be liberated from the responsibilities, the manifested consequences I caused because believing that would be real freedom and to transcend my limitations would mean to be free of consequence, to be free of responsibility and not realizing that if I separate myself from what I am responsible for then I am not transcending and within that I forgive myself that I have not realized that real transcendence mean to step beyond the duality of the mind, the subject, the object, the separation within friction and realize that I am always equal and one with and as all what is here and thus there is no escape, there is no beginning and there is no end, I am here as responsible and act like that or I am not here and I am not taking responsibility which simply manifest consequences for the future wherein I will actually and eventually take responsibility and thus realizing that with time I actually escape from myself and it is only myself with and as who I block transcendence with the fear of responsibility, fear of change.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that I have to walk alone, lonely, by myself in this world in order to really and truly transcend because any help from outside would mean I am dependent, I am stimulated and thus whatever I would 'reach' - that would be taken away and by that fear defining effectiveness and transcendence as being alone and not realizing that it is not about me, and if I consider 'my transcendence' then it is not real, it is only a perception and also not realizing that the pattern of 'whatever I reach' is a perception of attainment/ascension/enlightenment, a self-accepted projection within time and space and thus not directly self here change/transcend but place oneself into a process to walk with energy and thus not realizing that I am here in each moment the responsible and the directive principle always and whatever I actually do is the fact of who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to transcend instead of simply transcend and become obsessed with the word and the meanings/definitions/reactions/associations to the word transcend and not realizing that it is a word and whatever I define it to be that I can live but a release, a forgiveness, a re-definition within principled living is the first step to be able to LIVE the word transcend.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe and define that to transcend means to transcend the body/the physical/this world and not realizing that the mind within I am enslaved by my self-creation just not being aware of it allows me to remain limited, desensitized, powerless to really let go and change thus transcend from self-limitation to self-freedom as from consciousness to awareness of who I am and what is here and what is required to let go/change completely and finding practical ways to be the living example of stopping participating in the mind and assist and support myself and others within walking through the same one by one as the accumulation until all stand here unified within the realization of 'I am here'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not ask for or accept assistance when I see that I am bugging with a point what would require support and not realizing that effectiveness and consistent self-movement is more practical and self-honest than being stuck with points for a while and not realizing that I am being part of a group, also being part of humanity and thus I am influencing the whole world and I am responsible, whether I act so or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can transcend with psychedelic drugs such as mushroom, acid, ganja, salvia, dmt, mdma and the combination of these substances by believing that these enhance and stimulate my mind to be able to see objectively and more clearly, being able to stop and reset my mind and being able to travel and investigate within consciousness, dimensions, heavens, hells, with beings, masters, slaves, animals, faeries, gnomes, the dead, the consciousness itself etc and not realizing that all I do is I experience in and as my own mind so vividly, so detailed, so mesmerizing that within the self-definition of and as experience I make believe what I experience as reality because it's amount of clarity I define as sufficient to define to be real, as reality, as fact, as knowledge, as wisdom, as transcendence meanwhile not cross-referencing, not using common sense, not reproducing, not using, not being able to direct the experience and thus being lost in and as consciousness while in fact in this physical existence looking at my life, my living, my participation, my influence, my directive power being obvious that I am the same, as others, nothing special, no power, nothing I have really gained beyond experience, memories, reactions and after the effects only remaining with images, pictures, thoughts, feelings, emotions and never considering the fact that I've fooled myself, deliberately, completely.

I forgive myself that I have never ever listened to my beingness, who I am as life substance source that all I exist as and consist of currently is not me, not really living, but as the enormous amount and scale of manifested consequence is constantly reminding me that this is real - I go constantly into the timeloop of believing this is who I am and this is alright, regardless of limitation, uncomfortability, fear, destruction, abuse, horror is being taken place on earth and whenever I experience a taste of it by myself I immediately lose perspective, stop questioning but only wanting to stop MY suffering and never realizing that ANY suffering is also my responsibility but that would require some real transcendence from self-interest which I've considered but never understood in practicality as real time on earth in physical flesh what it takes and requires to let go and change to be able to really act as responsible for what is best for all, no exception, no exclusion, all participants, all life, all beings, all ever was and will be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel collapsed within the scale of being responsible for all beings in existence and consider what would be the best for all, what I would and should do in any given and all moments to ensure that I am act so - and stopping here, as accepting myself as collapsed, shattered, stepped back, stand down, withdrawn from this apparently enormous responsibility because relating it to my own self, comparing and opposing it with 'my self interest' against the 'interest of all' and not seeing/realizing/understanding that this is the reason of lack of transcendence, because not being able to take the leap of faith so to speak, to go through the eye of the needle and let go self-interest completely, really and realizing that in fact the only real self-interest is the interest of what is best for all and within that realizing this is transcendence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define transcendent as remaining superficial, streetwise, philosophical, mental, verbal, thoughtful, imaginative, superimposed, abstracted and never realizing that it is always about the practical, physical, actual walk in and as the human physical body, in and as each breath, word and action unified, equal and one and not realizing what exact very systems I've manifested within me which I must be investigated, understood, forgiven, stopped, changed and let go completely to be able to explore what is beyond these self-defined mind-system-patterns from thoughts, feelings, emotions of the personality, the characters of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have never ever realized that I've defined transcendence as intensity, difficulty and within that not realizing I've defined it with and in relation to energy, polarity, friction and thus always be dependent on it, it's dependent origination of time-looping within the same one dimensional self-dishonesties and not realizing self-movement is not of energy, is not of definition, is not of a reason, but self directly here as life.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that exactly I have to investigate and forgive and stop and commit myself to let go the sexual desires, the fear of change, the fear of being influenced by others, the fear of failure, the fear of not having enough time, the fear of saying no and the fear of being rude, harsh, direct and thus the fear of not being liked, not being loved, not being supported and within that not seeing/realizing/understanding that in fact because I do not support/like/love/direct myself with impeccable, undoubted, constant self-expression, thus defining these what I want to get outside from me and then compromising myself and not walking through these points specifically, one by one until the utmost specificity with diligent, consistent effort each day, each breath and within that not writing down always what it is I forget, I block, I resist, I fear to face and realize it is self-dishonest, it is not really me and thus naturally let go.

I commit myself to stop all definitions of the word transcendence, including associations, images, pictures, feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories and realizing that none of those were in fact real transcendence or transcendence-related.

I commit myself to stop being obsessed with the word transcendence and let go and realize that I only live transcendence with living words as standing in the starting point, saying and acting the same and thus committing myself to continue to specify my presence, accumulate to remain here, thoughtless, physically directly here and be aware of what and why I do and what consequence I manifest with my actions.

I commit myself to push through the addiction of energy, thoughts, doubt and fear of consequence breath by breath and each mind-thought-pattern I recognize, understand, write and forgive and stop and each areas of my life, each participation I take in living I learn to remain undefined yet be aware, breath with and as the body, not leaving one area wherein I would accept thinking, daydreaming in the mind and thus practically committing myself to use writing, words with self-direction and not accepting thoughts to haunt me and react to those automatically.

I commit myself to continue sharing my process of transcending and stopping the mind and exploring what it means to birth myself and others from the physical as life, responsible within the of actual accumulation of consideration for all equally, including myself.

So that is about transcendence today.

I also continue the LOVE point I've walked recently.

Recently I wrote quite amount as well about points what are not for public eye, but I am grateful beyond any measure that I walk with a Desteni I Process Course Buddy who is assisting and supporting me within seeing points I am within and not seeing, and also how to effectively prepare and script and actually walk transcendence.

I commit myself to continue writing my Journey to Life as it is an invaluable support and dare to share and actually live the words I write and realize.

Thank you very much, will be continued

Friday, August 15, 2014

[JTL 197] Transcendence - the movie and beyond part 1

Recently I participated within the
Desteni I Process Live Hangout Movie review: Transcendence.

The hangout can be found here.
(The discussion's technical quality makes it quite challenging to walk, however the discussion is really on the topic!)

And some perspective about Transcendence by Bernard Poolman

Somehow for me, this word  relates to the Painting: Gauguin, Paul: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? - 1897

So, the movie called Transcendence: About reviews, critics - I've read a lot - just for curiosity - many seemed more like hypo-critics - read lot's of dislikes about the movie, many missed more action, which somehow requires for being counted as a 'blockbuster' - and even some reasoned with 'lack of explosions' - just because the director, Wally Pfister was the cinematographer for many M. Bay action movies, they straight expected similarity, from which this one then felt like failed to satisfy. Well, pity for them, I've really enjoyed it, watched twice, I could even imagine it to be a TV series, just to be able to slow down and open up many related points to explain, but this did not happen, it's alright.

This movie reminded me to the old ones, wherein there was no need for 6 packs of physical action in every dozen minutes with desensitized, beautifully composed ultra high definition of violence combined with virtuo-mega-explosion-porn - which this movie deliberaltely lacks to deliver.

It got reviews of being emotionless, numb, a bit sadness-tainted glassy feel throughout the whole movie, but for me somehow clicked immediately, having the scenario, putting myself into the shoes of Caster having all his possibilities and in a split second it's going away - sure there is this stereotype for aggressive killing machine tantrums for extra-tearless-fast-paced-slowmo punishment protagonists when facing certain end, but come on, the word Transcendence already suggests to step beyond our own immature depiction of entertainment and our reflection for what and who we are and where are we going...

In relation to how Dr Caster behaved in the movie with the pattern I had for instance finding out I had cancer - REALITY - it's like unbelievable, far fetched, it's not really feels real first, just like the horror and massive abuse is being shown on TV - so crisp, crystal-clear depiction, it's like a dream, streamed in 24 frames per second inducing a vivid dream state yet we refuse to realize that this is fucking real, many thousands of people just like us are being killed each day for greed, vengeance and hatred - this point of how physical reality, earth is really being is not yet comprehended, not even considered to actually see what it is how and who we exist as and what must be done to open up in order to really transcend our blindness, just to allow reality to be acknowledged, embraced how and what it is in fact who we accepted to became.

Sure movies has characters as humans do but somehow this whole impression in the movie was really what took me, but probably because I could relate with it, writing codes since childhood, learned some Artificial Intelligence at university and this is being combined with my investigation of what is really going on in existence from different angles - and all leads to one single point whether we acknowledge it or not.

I mean when you face the utter inevitability of certain death - you might consider to see yourself, the world in a different way.

For me it was similar with Caster - not that drastic, but I mean, for me 'cancer' is something what one considers in terms of 'life' - even mine was not 'serious', was handled alright, now it's gone, but still, well, from now on every minute is equally important, so I just have to remind myself to do my best, really best and thus no doubt can fit into me, I can nurture a constant self-direction.

And for that the word transcendence can assist and support to see what actually CAN and should be transcended and then comes the HOW.

I mean to acknowledge how we, as humanity as a whole currently are, the direction, the mean, the image and likeness of it, the character - it is not a nice picture, if one does not prepare to face all the abuse on earth can get crazy from it's immensity - because it is so uncool, only the really whole, stable and self-realized ones can remain really themselves in this deep hell without being influenced/lost/given up or even becoming mad yet act for all life and not lost in reactions...

It is so easy to turn our back to reality when all these sufferings influence us, we can feel sad, hopeless, lost - what experience then we identify that "what I feel is who I am, I do not feel good when I do feel bad, even if it is because how reality is, I just want to feel good anyway" - and then booooom, we look around to find something to feel good about - we are so brainwashed from our fear and tendency to dismiss, disregard reality - we re-define, twist and deceive ourselves by creating false ideas of freedom, equality: just to look at how equality now is considered to be associated with gay marriage and women's right to work or the right for to pray our own self-defined god while - and how freedom is defined as the freedom for secrecy, to buy and own things, weapons even if it means other's enslavement as freedom to exploit, abuse by the law etc...

Everything is deception in the value-system of this world somehow and to even consider to transcend is something what's definition and starting point also should be investigated within self-honesty.

I was walking in 'spiritual shoes' for quite some years and I've recognized a tendency to be distanced/desensitized from the actual sufferings of beings on earth and the inevitability of our death - in order to really let go the ego, the mind-tentacles, one indeed should let go the constant worry and false-compassion of feeling sorry for all the pain being caused in existence to be able to stand up as responsible, but it does not mean to become disregarding, to have excuses/justifications why one stops there or never even starts ACTING to accumulate what would be BEST FOR ALL.

But spiritual 'schools' already figured out a loophole from self-honest common sense point with actually make themselves believe that one first must reach enlightenment with non-attachment and meditation/attainment first and then will be able to help others, while all they do is imitating their own lack of non-attachment (btw, on meditation and non-attachment-related self-support to transcend, Sunette shared a great support once and I've made a video transcription for it, it's here) meanwhile the world system is really making earth to become a hellhole by destroying it's ability for healthy living and more and more are endlessly being abused with the totalitarian corporate enslavement to our own self-religion to energy, money, emotions/fears, hopes and neglect.

It's easy to just say 'suffering is not real', 'ego is not real', 'even our physical is not real', but how one could be more delusional than this?
Everything here in this physical is real - you will not find more real in existence than the physical here. It's not bad, it's our relationship with the physical within consciousness systems is what must be realized/understood/'transcended'. Starting with stopping the perception of separation but I walk this step by step from my point of view. First I've met this word in meditation.

So within spiritual agendas TRANSCENDENCE is a tricky one, because it should even start with the self-purification of the word itself.

Transcendence is a great word, in the system from various ways it's such a great word for providing a pricy product for the craving mind-slaves - it is a bit more direct, less ambiguous word than the word spirituality, which is like something what is not required into any sentence, like a filling, if we take out this word from a sentence, it still remains the same:

'I am walking on a spiritual path' - 'I am walking on a path'.

'I felt the spiritual connection when we kissed in the sunset' - 'I felt the connection when we kissed in the sunset'

'Let's go into Gandhi Spiritual Center' - 'Let's go into Gandhi Center'

See - it's like an energy package what seems to be different and at the same time the same for each human - yet it is like a 'filling', in fact just hiding other layers from self without realizing what it really means.

But for me transcendence seemed more like an action word, it points, moves, animates, let's see what the dictionary says about :

To transcend:
going beyond the limits of ordinary experience, comes from the Latin prefix trans-, meaning "beyond," and the word scandare, meaning "to climb." When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations.
To ask what limitations we mean - it might also be 'personal' - for instance for me walk through self-limitation from inner beingness with want, will, discipline, diligence, honesty from deception, delusion, aimlessness, suppression, depression, dishonesty.

It suggests towards physical manifestation of being able to do better, more which comes from the inner realization of what I do not accept it anymore.

To clarify what can real transcendence start with we must be able to let go the delusions first to see what is reality here and working with facts makes us possible to really change - otherwise we approach reality with the split-misaligned perception and nothing is what it seems, nothing moves as we want, nothing will happen we desire for.

Thus I see priority by common sense to stop self-delusion first - and the Transcendence movie is specific within that because the 'protagonist' so to speak faces the fact that in physical he is lost, will decay, die but did not give up, he just explored what can be extended and expanded and in terms of inner space, inner awareness, an other platform to exist within and as: computer systems.

Many claim consciousness is life, the origin and destination, the alpha and omega of our existence while not realizing and dare to really investigate, explore, cross-reference and actually try to find the limits of consciousness.

What is consciousness and what is the physical?

What is then life? Is it determined by the organic material, the actual cells, the DNA, the information, the energy?

Obviously within this blog post there might be no answer, but more question, the ever-relevant question we are on is the one of: WHO AM I?

Especially when finding oneself within a system, which is already created, manifested, closed, very much automatized, limited, in fact programmed and as much accumulation and constant, consistent action was made to be formed like it is today - the same constant, consistent accumulation is required to see/realize/understand and then actually change it as ourselves as equal as one.

Many even say why change - ourselves, the world - it is PERFECT as it is, nothing to do, nothing to transcend except our strive and occupation for friction - and THEN we can be free of fear, the ego and thus be able to always move in harmony with everything - yet those who claim it do not really act so - do not really can actually DO anything particular - only demon-stating their choice with self-acceptance within self-limitation and not to question their freedom is like believing what is shown in movies/news that it is exactly the reality because believing what THEY experience without experiencing it is like a religion, not fact.

This self-development and the fascination with EXPERIENCE itself is also a good one to explore - what is experience? Many can say for having experience one does not require body, just a mind, a consciousness to move within and explore through - while in fact just being separated from the human physical body within perception and experience.

So then transcending the human life form, to see what is the most prominent, important point we have as issue, it is obvious if we start to explore this point from ourselves, what we, 'me' need first of all, always, constantly and see where to and whom to it is not given, provided but neglected, locked out from based on ridiculous conditions: no physical support, love, equality is existing, the patterns we imagine, desire, plan and manifest our life from are tainted with self-interest, self-delusion, self-suppression and self-defeat.

Food, water, health care, shelter, education is five most fundamental element of any human yet we are unable to provide that unconditionally and all we have is blame and excuse.

To really transcend who we really are today we must learn how to unlearn what we already have became.

Returning back to the movie once more with the 'reasoning' happened for why current human beingness is more and better by saying to exist within contradiction/friction while loving someone and hating at the same time, to have emotions, feelings while not seeing what really it is:
-Human emotion...It can contain illogical conflict.Can love someone......and yet hate the things that they've done. Machine can't reconcile that.

- Can you?
- Yes.
If we really look at it, what actually tells about us how we accept ourselves to exist and with what starting point while not realizing the manifested consequences we create in our reality: Human Consciousness is an energy-friction relationship-network conglomerate, a system, what always exists in polarities, with our thoughts/feelings/emotions hardwired into this system we are being influenced, directed, lived through these relationships separate from our physical beingness, separated from physical earth, separated from our inner self, each other, etc yet we do not recognize that we went too far and in fact are unable to stop this at any time we want, because we became it, became dependent on it, we are separated from each other, from what is here, from who we are through and as this mind consciousness system which always creates/requires energy, dependent on the substance and tries to imitate life.

Just as in the movie: Will Caster's(cool name) uploaded consciousness requires more processing power, more hardware, more energy from physical reality in order to exist, to expand, to influence, to conquer and while we are being mesmerized with this conflict in the movie among fear of change from the 'terrorists and government' and the Caster's predictable change towards technical solutions, virtualisation, connection, evolution etc, we miss the point of the word containing it's definition: con sciousness

Latin conscius: sharing knowledge, from com- with + scīre to know, as in the movie was referred to :
-"Can you prove that you are self-aware?"
-"Do you?"
And to actually see what is this self, and to be aware is also an interesting word:
aware: having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception

[Old English gewær; related to Old Saxon, Old High German giwar Latin verērī to be fearful; see beware, wary]
So as we explore how this system is already pre-defined, pre-programmed, pre-ordained with words, relationships, systems and how we, individuals actually react and operate within action while what exact inner reactions, thoughts, feelings, emotions are emerging we realize that most of our existence is already created as it is and we can say that it is ourselves who decided and created ourselves to be who we are today, but then the point of self-limitation comes into the picture that what are our limits, and what are the reasons to accept those limits?

What limits can be transcended, 'go beyond'? How our limits have been created/accepted/being maintained? What are perceptional and physical limits?

Is there any fear what stops us? Is there any desire what distracts us? Why is that?

That is why I refer to the painting what is at the top of this blog posts:

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

Without knowing, understanding, seeing/realizing these points - we are not aware, we are not transcending, just evolving the same as who we were before.

Without figuring out a way from this inequality, this closed consequence-reflection system within our own mind and shared physical reality we remain the same. And to say who and how we are is human nature is like accepting our limitation without even be aware what exactly are our limitations and why they exist and how has been created. Nothing mystical or secret exists within this or hidden magic/sacred wisdom - everything is always here - in front of our eyes, as who we are, as what we do - if we do not see this - we do not know ourselves, we do not know what is here, we do not know anything!

But to walk through the mind, the relationships, the reactions, the personalities, the words - we can learn our creation and be responsible.

The definition of god is what we define it to be - if we accept it as a higher power, it is like accepting ourselves to be a slave, trying to pretend being irresponsible yet claiming free will - it is contradiction, con-tra-dic-tion - controlled-tradition, conned trained addiction, contained dicktation...

These are the points today I reflect from this movie, Transcendence and how to assist and support ourselves from practical, measurable, simple common sense way out from our lack of understanding, from our accepted self-limitation with the Desteni message, tools, study material and group of people.

Self-forgiveness is a self-reflection, a self-direction, self-expression to explore what we have allowed and accepted to became and to realize what must be stopped and changed, really, not only in the mind, but in and as physical reality.

Word by word we re-discover our already manifested creation in the mind and in reality and taking responsibility for what we have accepted and allowed and by being aware the facts, the specific details, we give ourselves a clean vision, a new chance, and forgive ourselves for 'falling' and commit to really change, transcend.

We can talk about happiness, love, freedom of individuals, groups and humanity as a whole but the equation is pretty simple:

Give as you would like to receive.

Love thy neighbor as thyself.

What I would like to have as a human being for living, what I already have, what we tend to be taken granted while if I look at the human system many lack of and they actually suffer and die yet we seclude ourselves into the idea of lack of transcendence with reason, with clarity within friction with confusion until we all get old, sick and die while pretending to love some. It's just weird.

Everybody dies. What is the reason to live? The future, the children to come, the destiny of mankind?

Isn't that love to consider what we leave behind when we die? What to love in this? What IS love then? Is there love? Isn't our love is conditional, pre-defined, limited?

What would mean unconditional love and what it is the price we give away for our adherence to deny our ability, responsibility to transcend our limitations?

To accept people die in hunger, to not having access for water - it is our lack of transcendence - within the delusion of religion of "self-interest", while even the word shows - "self: in the rest" - I am in the rest as well, as equal, as one.

Thus real transcendence in this current scenario we are existing within is not the body to let go, not the nanotechnology to become, not to upload into computer consciousness to be faster, omnipresent, more smart but to understand that we are what we accept and allow as it is consent, it is responsibility, it is self.

Seeing human our-selves to be mesmerized, controlled, divide, separated with energy, fear, money, value systems it is inequality, it is separation from others, in fact self.

We must equalize the money point, the unequal distribution of power on earth in order to transcend our own limitation for be able to live unconditional practical love.

To equalize the money point, to manifest human right REALLY for all from birth unconditionally, equally - to have enough for living by default is already entailing much of the doable, measurable, obvious transcendence which is not in the meditation, spiritual consciousness traveling we can find, but within the simple, basic needs of a human being to give as would like to receive: food, shelter, water, health care, education.

That is my points to give into the word of Transcendence - and pronounce again - I've walked many paths within spiritual/psychedelic/shamanic/tantric 'ways' to dissolve into non-duality and try to overcome my limitations and acceptances and allowances but it is clear that Self-honesty is the eye of the needle to find out what is real transcendence - and to recognize what must be done in terms of stopping participating within consciousness systems, the mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions of polarities to let go and really change, completely, consistently within full understanding of self and consequence.

Thus for transcending one does not require anything but self to be really able to acknowledge/explore/stop and change which for Self-forgiveness is the most practical way to accumulate practical awareness of why and how to actually do that, step by step, one breath at a time.

Because with Self-forgiveness one takes responsibility as a creator/created/creation and becomes aware of self-acceptance and when facing what is being forgiven it comes 'here' - and self starts to see the details, the reasons, the starting points - which is required to self learn to directly change.

I could write much-much more about the movie, the symbolism, the characters, the ideas, the depiction of the movie, but for now this is enough, check out the hangout about it wherein with Mike and Joana (check out their video channel as well with the link in their names) we discuss similar points, 'Taking Transcendence to the next level, with destonian perspective'.

For embracing the word Transcendence I've found the most profound, supporting and surprisingly new perspective within learning about creation, existence, the mind, self-support, business, sex, animals, death and many-many more at, which I listen regularly, almost every day, because as I see it is a very strong pillar for the future of education.

Also to start practically work on self-limitations and expanding practical awareness, I suggest Desteni I Process online courses, the starter is the DIP LITE, no money is required, yet a seasoned buddy is supporting the one who starts to explore oneself within regular writing and self-investigation, self-change.

What I will continue with is Self-forgiveness and Self-correction, Self-commitment about the word Transcendence.