Sunday, October 13, 2013

[JTL 118] TV Series Mind Patterns Decomposition part 5

Continuing on TV series, movies mind mechanisms series:

  • [JTL 114] TV Series Mind Patterns Decomposition part 1

  • [JTL 115] TV Series Mind Patterns Decomposition part 2

  • [JTL 116] TV Series Mind Patterns Decomposition part 3

  • [JTL 117] TV Series Mind Patterns Decomposition part 4

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe and fear that I am not existing without a self-defined experience.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to strive towards experience what I can define and within the energetic reaction of definition, defining it as living and as who I am.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust experience separated from me and using judgments, definitions, thoughts, feelings, energies to have a relationship with experience and by that defining who I am.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have experience continue if I feel and define it as positive and want the experience stopped when I feel and define it as negative.

    I forgive myself that I have never questioned my feelings, reactions, definitions, thoughts, judgments about what I experience and not being able to see that the experience is not who I am but what I physically react to experience is who I really am.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react with judgment, feeling, thought, energy towards abuse, murder, horror and within that having the experience being separated from it.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a reaction towards an experience and form habit from that and then form a personality and then live out that personality as who I perceive myself to be.

    I forgive myself that I have never allowed myself to consider that experience coming from TV, Series, Movies and I react to it - is similar in my mind how I react to it as I would react to physical experience.

    I forgive myself that I have never considered that feeling somehow by experiencing watching abuse, murder, horror within film, movie is influencing, imprinting with automatic reactions, with fear and never considering that it has an impact to my perception, to my personality, to my physical expression.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never consider the utmost importance within parenting children to not pass by the sins of the fathers, meaning the mind-thought-fear mechanism and never considering that it is not life, it is against life, it is in fact the opposite of life: evil because it will cause separation, fear, suffering and destruction.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that education and parenting the children is the only way to bring about a change within humanity by giving an example to them how not to react with thoughts, fear, with personality and feelings of the mind but with Self-honesty, Self-forgiveness and direct physical expression and not accepting fear and separation.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not share unconditionally the realizations that the solution is for the fallen human is to unlearn, to forgive, to let go all relationships within consciousness systems through investigation and cross-referencing each point we hold onto within our mind as values and stand together as group to not accept any exclusion of any living being to consider here equally.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within fear one stops self-expression, stops trusting self being here within presence but goes into the mind of thoughts, feelings, emotions which through feels separated and secluded, alone.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed fear within and as me through defining positive and negative polarities as value system of who I defined myself to be and never questioning it and never ever questioning being and living without this polarities of judgments of the mind.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use TV and Movie to stimulate myself in order to have experience within and as my mind through polarities of self-definitions and at points not being able to see what is reality and what is in the TV and Movie by simply experience tension, energy, fascination, worry, fear regarding to what I see and hear and how I judge it from my own self-defined life's perspective by thoughts, feelings, emotions.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form relationship within my mind with the persons acting in the TV, Movie and defining them from my perspective, my personality, my interest, my definitions, judgments according to polarities, as qualities as positive and negative.

    I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my feelings, thoughts towards persons in Movies, TV are not the same as towards real people but the way I formed those are the same: not real, made up, I made myself believe that these reactions are about them, the persons, actors in TV, Movies - or about the people who I am in touch in reality - meanwhile all I experience is my self-defined reactions based on my self-made up values.
    Continuing on TV series, movies brainwashing series: - See more at:
    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define persons in movies as sympathetic or unsympathetic based on my values and judgments.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define an actor, a person in a TV, Movie as more interesting, more fascinating, more entertaining than my reality and become attracted, addicted to watch, hear and react what I can see of her/him on TV, Movie.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become obsessed with actors and their roles within movies and defining worth and value based on the self-definitions, thoughts, feelings, emotions I experience towards them when I watch TV, Movies about them.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form relationship within and as myself towards actors, persons in movies, films based on feelings, based on how they look and define them as attractive, as role-model and example for how and who I must be, express and live myself.

    I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself according to energy experience within and as my mind and regardless of positive or negative allowing it to fuel me and drive me and influence and control me without exactly being aware of the details how I am reacting without my understanding, permission.

    I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that defining watching Movies and TV as entertainment without being aware of how and specifically what I react and knowing the why: means that I am programmable, I am being influenced and my personality can be manipulated and stimulated to act according to the Movie, Film I watch and react to.

    I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that all products showed in Movies and Films I see and define as good, cool, interesting, fascinating, entertaining: I am being advertised to to react to, to like, to desire for and manipulated to buy.

    I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself the self-deception to think that it is alright to watch through a 2 hours bloody and aggressive action movie about killing and think and believe that it is not influencing me while for an early night advertisement for ten seconds people buy millions simply because it works, because it influences, stimulates, suggests, controls.

    I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to become aware that all I see in Movies and TV is a product being sold and if I am not able to remain here, calm, empty, self-directive but going into judgment, thought, feeling, reactions: I am being manipulated and brainwashed with my own consent with my own mind, with my own allowance, with my own permission to be formed, shaped as TV, Movies stimulate me to.

    to be continued with Self-correction

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